I didn't exactly get may advice on my cry for help in my previous blog post.. Except for a shoop da woop, which was okay in it's own way.
Anyway, with a lot of tinkering (and help from my little bro) I got my pic together in Flash. Hurray for The Hare.
Also, I seem to be making a habit out of drawing specific little things for these blog posts. Decided not to break that habit.
Tired but happy faic!
Where the hell did the name "Morthagg" come from?
It sounds so manly, I never would have guessed you were a woman o.o
You've got a good style going though!
More power to you.
Haha, I've had that question before. Well, I used to be very interested in Ireland and its language, so I modified the Irish surname "Murtaugh" into "Morthagg". The name then stuck and now it's my most used nickname.
And thanks :D